Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks - 4 Fat Blasting Tricks Finally Revealed
By Reeda Keys Platinum Quality Author

Do you really want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks?

I know you are tired of hearing the same things over and over again, such as eat healthy, and exercise regularly to drop the fat fast. I know what you mean, I've tried starvation diets and lots of exercises, but I still failed, and if I did lose some weight, I gained it back in a short time period.

You don't have to go through this anymore because I'm about to reveal some of the things that helped me drop the pounds fast, as much as 16 pounds in 10 days. Here's a few helpful tips.

#1. Show your commitment

Prove to yourself how committed you are to losing weight. Start by creating a journal, and record make a list of all the things you want to accomplish, and keep track of your progress along the way. Don't forget to weigh yourself once or twice per week to keep you motivated.

#2. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

Take 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar with each meal everyday. This powerful liquid gently releases fat cells from the body which allows you to burn fat more efficiently. I usually mix 2 tablespoons with a 12 ounce glass of water 10 minutes before a meal.

#3. Fat burning exercise

It's true that walking outside briskly is one of the best ways to burn calories each day. Walking without doing any other exercise can literally transform your body, making it lean and toned, but you have to do it daily. I walk every morning for an hour. I know it seems like a lot, but it's not. It really is the easiest exercise for many people.

#4. Eat 4-5 meals a day

Try to eat at least 4-5 meals per day. This will dramatically boost your metabolism, but the meals should be small and satisfying.

Try to eat a meal within 45 minutes of walking because your body will be still in it's fat burning mode after walking, and eat dinner about 2 hours and a half before bedtime.

Following these tips to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks is very important if you are serious about shedding the fat fast. Do this and you will see a big difference soon.

WARNING: The most vital tip of all

To melt away the pounds fast and safely, you need a diet like the one explained at Strip That Fat Shop Plus you'll never have to give up the foods you love!

Also receive a Free Report that reveals secrets to a fast weight loss, and lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks now.

Article Source:

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Lose 5 Pounds a Week - 7 Fat Blasting Tips
By Jason Oh Platinum Quality Author

Want to lose 5 pounds a week? Below are 7 easy but effective ways to lose your belly fat for good!

1. If you really want to lose 5 pounds a week, then plan to eat - real life means planning. This means thinking ahead about what you're going to have for meals and snacks - during the week and on weekends - so that you have healthy ingredients on hand. That way you don't end up ordering takeaway or going out to eat when you're tired and starving. On weekends make a big pot of soup that will last a few days, or grill up chicken and vegetables for multiple dinners. Stock your freezer with pre cooked meat and pre cut veggies for quick and healthy meals any night of the week.

Remember, good nutrition will account for 80% of your fat loss result!

2. Plan to eat 5 to 6 healthy mini meals a day. Eating more frequently during keep the craving away!

3. Eat less processed foods, fried foods, fast foods and take outs. Instead eat more fresh, wholesome foods. Foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, lean red meat, skinless chicken and fish are all nutritious for the body.

4. Eat more fiber - aim to eat at least 5 serves of vegetables and fruits everyday!

5. Drink less sugary drinks, and drink more water. If you eat well and drink well, you will lose 5 pounds a week.

6. Lift Heavy - when most people start a fat loss regime, they lift light weights for high reps, and it sums to make good sense - you'll sweat and burn calories. But you'll make better gains (or 'losses', in this case) by training with heavy weights and lower reps to put on muscle mass. Your muscle is your metabolism.

The more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism rate - keep your reps between 5 and 8 per set, using challenging weights!

7. The best cardio workout - Interval Training. It only requires a minimum of 20 minutes of your time, and will crank up your metabolism far more effectively than the traditional cardios! For more effective results, make sure you combine Interval Training and resistance training in your workout plan - this will increase your chances of losing 5 pounds a week.

To discover an additional system of eating that will crank up your fat burning metabolism, and help you lose 5 pounds a week, visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots now at - and discover how to transform your body in just 11 days from today!

Article Source:

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast - 5 Fat Blasting Tips to Slash Your Body Fat!
By Jason Oh Platinum Quality Author

Want the best ways to lose weight fast? Below are 5 simple but sure fire ways to lose weight now!

Best Ways to Lose Weight

1. 'I don't have time to prepare' .. planning shows commitment, and it's not just cheap talk. Mentally schedule more or less exactly what you're going to eat and when you're going to eat it. Better still, plan to dine on 5 to 6 healthy mini meals a day, your grocery list for the week ... and cook in bulk. By eating more, you will reduce craving, and by planning in advance, you will save time, and reduce the chances of eating out. As well, think about what you will order in a restaurant before you arrive. Be prepared for different situations, take ownership, and don't expect weight loss just to happen!

2. Drinking less sugar is one of the best ways to lose weight fast. A study has found that we consume 450 calories a day from beverages alone, nearly twice as many as 40 years ago. This increase amounts to an extra 29 lbs a year that we're forced to work off - or carry around with us. Many of the calorie comes from high fructose corn syrup in our drinks - especially in kid's drinks that are hardly more than sweetened water. In fact, anything you have to drink in your fridge right now - unless it is water, milk, 100% juice or diet soda, probably has HFCs in it. Read the label - better still drink more water!

3. Do compound exercises - you can't spot reduce or spot gain if you want to see your abs, you have to make an effort to lose fat all over, and if you want bigger arms, you have to gain weight, period. The best way to accomplish either is by performing exercises that recruit lots of muscles at once, and subsequently allow you yo use a heavy load, such as squats, deadlifts, chin ups and presses.

Even if your goal in life is to have huge biceps, you need to squat and dead-lift. It all goes back to growth (No, not the injectable kind) hormone and testosterone levels. The more muscles you train, the more you will burn!

4. Long, boring cardio is not the best way to lose weight - instead get onto Interval Training to jack up your metabolism. The best thing is, it only needs a minimum of 20 minutes of your time.

5. One of the best ways to lose weight - improve your nutrition. A good eating plan will account for more than 70% of your fat loss. Period. So that means, replacing your high fatty foods, processed foods and junk foods with fresh foods like organic produce, whole-grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meat. And aim to fill half your plate with fiber, and the rest carbs, protein and good fat. To do that, you need to get point 1 right ... simply put, start cooking more!

For The Best Fat Burning Foods To Eat, Visit Truth About Abs at And Discover How You Can Hack Off Your Ugly Belly Fat Fast...And Get In Shape At The Same Time!

Article Source:

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

How to get a Quick Fat Blasting Workout in 5 Minutes
By John Grube Platinum Quality Author

If you are short on time, there is no better way than
using a bodyweight circuit.

One exercise is the Bear Crawl, this is a very demanding
and result producing exercise that is long forgotten.

The Bear Crawl will give you a great fat burning and muscle
building workout, most people will have a tough time Bear
Crawling for 30 seconds.

The Bear Crawl will build an athletic and stronger body in
record time, and will develop total body awareness.

The Bear Crawl will work the whole arm ( fingers, wrist,
forearm, bicep, triceps,) the shoulders, back, chest, neck,
abs, thighs, hamstrings, calves, not to mention working
the cardiovascular system hard, in only seconds.

The Bear Crawl will burn fat while building incredible
strength and muscular endurance.

To do the Bear Crawl you don't need a lot of space, just
a few feet, than get down on all fours and walk and
run like a bear.

Start out slow, take your time and get amazing results
doing a simple but very effective exercise.

If you decide to add Bear Crawls into your workout
you will know what a workout is.

So try this simple but effective workout :

Bear Crawl for 30 seconds rest 30 seconds continue
for 5 minutes... if you can.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual. For more info

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