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Fat Blasting Workout to Add in Your Stomach Weight Loss Exercises That Can Burn Fat For Hours
By Andrew Choong
If you do not have a plan for your stomach weight loss exercises, and are not a fan of the gym, and do not want to carry those heavy weights, how about testing out your endurance in the form of cardio exercises? It can be from jogging to rowing to cycling and you can perform these workouts at any time of the day, as well as throw in some weight exercises if you have the time.
These fat burning workouts are considered as interval sprints which you can perform at least 3 days in a week. It will be up to you how you want to schedule your workout. You can do these workouts after your weights training or you can squeeze the days in between. But do remember to always warm-up for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you embark on these abdominal fats burning exercises. And also remember to cool down for about 5 to 10 minutes as well.
Workout A: Either Jog, Swim, Row or Cycle.
First, start dashing for 30 seconds and try to push yourself with at least 90 percent effort on your side. Then start slowing down to about 30 percent effort and run for about 90 seconds. This is repetitive and you can redo this workout between 6 to 8 times.
Workout B:
Using 80 percent of your best effort, try pushing yourself to start running for 60 seconds. Then slow down your pace and continue running for 60 seconds but at only 30 percent effort. Repeat this whole process between 4 o 6 times.
Workout C:
Just the same as above, this time you will run for around 90 seconds at a reduce effort of 70 percent. Then after you have done this, do not stop and continue running for around 180 seconds but at a reduce effort of 30 percent. This has the least repetition. Just do 2 to 4 times will be enough.
Do not wait and start doing these stomach weight loss exercises to lose body fat and getting that lean body you have always been working hard to achieve.
For you are seriously trying to slim your waistline and researching some stomach weight loss exercises, stop piling on the fats, get discipline, and enforce determination to achieve your goals today.
For a limited time period, get 2 free abs-killer reports at to start losing your abdominal fats.
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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All
And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!
Get Rid of That Fat - 12 Fat-Blasting Foods That Burn Belly Fat
By Linda DiMarco
They're the foods that experts say can help your body increase lean muscle mass and avoid storing fat. You can base entire meals and snacks around these 12 foods, you don't have to.
Follow these simple guidelines:
• Incorporate two or three into each of your daily meals
• Make sure to eat a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal.
• Sneak a little bit of protein into each snack.
These foods Zap Abdominal Fat
Here are 12 best belly-flattening foods- plus some delicious recipe ideas to help you put them to use.
Superpowers: Builds muscle, fights off cravings
Just a handful of almonds provide 19% of your daily requirements of magnesium- a key muscle building component. Almonds also help curb cravings: two ounces of almonds should suppress your appetite- especially if you wash them down with 8 ounces of water. Avoid smoked and salted almonds, which are high in sodium.
Beans and Legumes
Superpowers: Build muscle, help burn fat, and regulate digestion
The more beans you eat, the more you'll control your hunger. Beans are a low-calorie food packed with protein, fiber, and iron- ingredients crucial for building muscle and losing weight. Swap a meat-heavy dish for a bean-heavy dish a couple of times per week; you will replace saturated fat with more fiber. Two of my favorite beans which should be skipped: refried beans, which are high in saturated fats, and baked beans which are high in sugar.
Green Veggies
Superpowers: Fortifies your nutrient stores, fights obesity
One serving of spinach is loaded with
folate and supplies nearly a full-day's worth of vitamin A and half of your vitamin C. Broccoli is high in fiber and more densely packed with vitamins and minerals than almost any other food.
Low-Fat Dairy
Superpowers: Builds bones, fires up weight loss
Dairy gets so much attention for one thing it does well, strengthening bones, that it gets little or no attention for its other accomplishments- like its breakout role as a vehicle for weight loss. Researchers think that calcium probably prevents weight gain by increasing the breakdown of body fat and hampering its formation,
Superpowers: Builds muscle, burns fat
More and more research shows that eating an egg a day will not raise your cholesterol levels. Egg protein is more effective at building muscle than milk and beef. Eggs also contain vitamin B12- a nutrient necessary for fat breakdown.
Lean Meats
Superpowers: Build muscle, boost immunity
A classic muscle-building nutrient, protein is the base of any solid diet plan. The body burns more calories digesting protein than it does to process carbohydrates or fat. Many studies support the notion that high-protein diets promote weight loss. Turkey, lean beef (especially rounds or loins), chicken, and fish are especially good choices. Tuna and salmon (and the grain flaxseed) also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may help keep metabolism revved.
Peanut Butter (All natural, Sugar-Free)
Superpowers; Builds muscle, burns fat
Peanut butter is a quick and versatile snack. Since a diet that includes an indulgence doesn't leave you feeling deprived, you're less likely to fall prey to other cravings. Use it on apples or on whole grain crackers, or to add flavor to smoothies.
Olive Oil
Superpower: controls cravings
Olive oil made of the good un-saturated fat- will help you eat less by controlling your food cravings. It will also help you burn fat and keep your cholesterol in check.
Whole Grain Foods
Superpowers: Prevents your body from storing fats
Your body needs carbs. The key is to eat ones that have been processed the least. Eat products with all the parts of the grain- whole grain bread and pasta, long-grain rice- you will get all the nutrition that refines foods lack. Top: don't be fooled by white-flour foods that are colored brown. Look for foods that list a "whole wheat: or "whole grain" flour first on the ingredients.
Whey Powder
Superpowers: builds muscle, burn fats
Powered whey protein packs a muscle-building wallop. If you add whey powder to your meal- in a smoothie, for instance- you may well have created the most powerful fat-burning meal possible. Whey protein is a high-quality protein that contains essential amino acids needed to build muscles and burn fat. It's especially effective because it has the highest amount of protein for the fewest number of calories, making it fat's kryptonite. Tip: Ricotta cheese is made from whey, making it a great source of whey protein.
Superpowers; improves balance and coordination, prevents cravings
Depending on your taste, any berry will do the trick. Raspberries carry powerful levels of antioxidants and flavonoids. One cup of raspberries packs 6 g of fiber and more than half of your daily requirement of vitamin C. blueberries are also loaded with the soluble fiber that, like oatmeal, keeps you feeling fuller longer. Strawberries contain pectin, a valuable form of fiber (also found in apples and grapefruit), which helps people feel fuller.
To get Women Business Favorite Recipe Picks - Go to: You'll Love these quick and easy meals. Many will take less than 15 minutes to make. Each recipe is stocked with the fat-blasting food, so you are sure to whittle away your waistline with each bite.
About the author
Linda DiMarco is Publisher at Women Business Magazine. Your Business- Savvy Beaches your monthly highlights of Business, Marketing, Recipes, Fashion, & Success" and discover helpful information, advice, products, and free offers that will put more dollars in your pocket and help secure your business and your future. Tell your story. We love to hear about women entrepreneur's and their stories. If we like your story we will feature in our magazine... Email: or go to web site and use the post a comment link-
Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All
And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!
How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat? 5 Fat Blasting Tips!
By Cindy Ou
Below are 6 fat burning tips on how to GET RID of lower belly fat!
1. Whether you are losing weight, getting rid of belly fat or losing inches off your waist - this is how to get rid of lower belly fat ==> Don't make drastic changes over night.
It's too difficult to give your present habits the flick. The best way to lose belly fat is to make simple healthy switches ... and just growing into it.
Healthy habits you should consider are reducing your calorie intake by using reduced fat products, cut the salt by making use of reduced salt options, increase the fiber in your diet by always choosing wholemeal and wholegrain options, add more veggies than listed in your recipe to fill up your plate and help hit the recommended 5 serves a day, add oat bran to casseroles and meat dishes for fiber boost, and finally give deep frying a miss, opt for a roast or stir fry instead.
Make it a point to include these changes on a periodical basis, and let it grow into you. Over time, this will become second nature and your health will feel the benefits of the small changes.
2. Avoid trigger foods and dining with big eaters. Avoid having your favorite foods in the house or going out with friends you know eat a lot or make you feel guilty if you don't polish off everything they cook for you. They only make you feel more stressed and more inclined to binge.
Avoid walking past your favorite bakery or stopping at a service station when you're feeling tired or stressed - it's too easy to buy a bag of lollies to eat on your way home!
3. Read this this is truly how to get rid of lower belly fat - CURB your cravings! To do that, you need to load up on good kinds of foods that consists of Fiber and whole-grains. Foods like veggies, fruits, fish, skinless chicken, lean meat, whole-meal bread are great ways to load up on nutrition. Remember, fiber keeps you full longer and help you get rid of stubborn belly fat!
4. Your workout program should always be evolving as long as you apply enough training stimulus (resistance) to boost muscle strength and growth. For continual results, increase the demand on the muscles by increasing the weight or the number of repetitions, performing more sets or reduce rest time between sets. By doing so, you are constantly stimulating the muscle a little differently - and burn more calories.
5. This is HOW NOT TO GET RID OF LOWER BELLY FAT ... Do not waste too much time on Sit Ups, Crunches and other Ab gimmicks. There's no point wasting hours and hundreds of reps to do them as these exercises do not get rid of lower belly fat efficiently. A combination of good nutrition, high intensity cardio training and challenging compound workouts are the most effective ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat fast!
If you really want to know HOW TO GET RID OF STUBBORN BELLY FAT ... Firstly, visit ==> And Download $97 of F-R-E-E Fat Slashing Reports And a 6 Day eCourse.
Secondly, with the F-R-E-E REPORTS, you WON'T starve, waste hours at the gym ever, or basically do anything that will take too much time away from you work or family.
Thirdly ... Just enjoy the F-R-E-E Reports And Discover HOW TO GET RID OF LOWER BELLY FAT FAST without changing much in your diet or exercise plans.
Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All
And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!
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