Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update Oct. 04 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

4-Day Upper Body Blast - Men - Turn Heads As You Fill Out Your Shirt With Your Muscles

By Mark Bojovic

When I was training for bodybuilding, working out twice a day and six days a week was business as usual. Now that I'm a missionary in Africa and don't have all the time to commit to the weight room as I did before, I need to focus on what's important. There's no room for wasting time.

So what is important? I'm a married man who likes to look good in what he wears. Being on the endomorphic side of the spectrum, my lower body doesn't need to grow any more - it's got enough size. So that leaves me with the upper body. I'm not going to be walking around topless in public any time soon, so I don't need that chiseled chest or six-pack abs look, either. What I do need is to fill out my shirts and sweaters in all of the right places: chest, shoulders, arms, and upper back.

With that said, here is the workout that I've adapted to fit my busy lifestyle and yet still produce great results.

This is a four-day workout, focusing on one body-part per day, ending with a rest day. Each workout shouldn't last more than 15-20 minutes.

First, start with a warm-up of some kind of cardiovascular activity (jogging, jump rope, etc) for 5-10 minutes, per ACSM recommendations. Then you will perform 4-6 sets in order to flood your muscle with blood and really work it out.

Chest Day: Start with light weights on the bench press for 12-15 reps. Immediately follow this set with light weight dumbbell fly's for 12-15 reps. Add more weight to your second set. Add more weight to your third set. You should complete 4-6 sets in all, depending on how you feel or how hard you want to push it. After your first two sets of 12-15 reps, your rep target should be 6-10. Cool down with some stretches.

Biceps Day: Start with light weights on the barbell straight bar for some reverse curls for 12-15 reps. Immediately after each set you should lie on an incline bench and do regular palm-up curls with dumbbells. Increase your weight for a second set of reverse curls for 12-15 reps and incline bench dumbbell curls. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of regular palm-up curls, each set followed by incline bench dumbbell curls for 6-10 reps, too. Cool down with some stretching.

Triceps Day: Start by lying on your back and performing some triceps extensions with light weights for 12-15 reps (commonly known as "skullies"). Immediately follow this first set by kneeling on your bench and performing triceps kick-backs, where you extend the weight up behind you, with your back parallel to the floor. Add more weight for your second set of skullies and triceps kick-backs. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of heavier weights, completing a total of 4-6 sets. Cool down with some stretching.

Shoulder Day: Start with the seated or standing barbell shoulder press (i.e. military press) with light weights for 12-15 reps. Immediately follow this with slightly bent-over dumbbell lateral raises for 12-15 reps. Increase your weight for the second set for 12-15 reps. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of heavier weights, completing a total of 4-6 sets. Cool down with some stretching.

The goal of each workout is to completely flood each muscle group with a lot of blood and tear down as much muscle fiber as you can (for greater future muscle repair and growth). This extreme focus on one muscle group at a time has helped me maintain the upper body musculature that I desire. I hope you motivate yourself enough to stick with this quick and simple workout of upper body super-sets (back-to-back differing exercises on the same muscle). Thank you!

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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Should You Use an Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss?
By Blake Allen Platinum Quality Author

The idea of getting weight off quickly is tempting for a lot of us. Especially during the warmer months, no one wants to carry around all those extra pounds. Waiting for them to disappear on conventional diets is boring and frustrating. However, are those quick-loss diets really healthy?

The fact is that any quick weight loss diet is probably not the best for your body, and most of that weight will come back. That's because when you lose more than a pound or so a week, most of the weight you're taking off is actually water weight and muscle mass. After a few days or a couple of weeks, you'll stop being dehydrated, and the weight will come back.

Even worse, when we lose muscle to dieting, it's often a lot harder to put back on. We're likely to get the pounds back as fat, rather than muscle, unless we're using a good exercise program. Using an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss for the purposes of staying healthy should focus on losing fat and keeping water and muscle.

Most quick weight loss diets are actually a form of crash diets. A crash diet is defined as one that deprives the dieter of nutrition in an extreme way. Most of these plans restrict calorie intake severely, and are only slightly different from ordinary starvation. Crash diets are unhealthy, and you'll never see one recommended by a reputable dietitian or doctor.

In fact, you probably won't get a recommendation for an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss. That's because the Army recommends being in top physical condition, and consulting with a dietitian for its soldiers who are over the regulation weights. Quick weight loss plans usually result in a yo-yo effect, causing the dieter to gain back the old weight, and often a few more pounds on top of it.

Even if you'd love to lose weight fast, don't be taken in by outrageous claims. There's no diet plan that'll help you lose weight quickly and stay healthy. Overly rapid weight loss can result in problems down the line, including heart problems in extreme cases, since the body will cannibalize that muscle, too.

For a healthier, fitter body that looks great, take weight loss slowly, and combine a sensible diet plan with a good exercise program. All you have to do is be willing to work at it, and be patient. Wacky diets are just that, no matter who endorses them. Choose a different plan over an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss, and you'll be more likely to keep the weight off once it's gone.

Shed 20 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks! Flush out nasty, disease causing toxins! Feel and look years younger. Oprah talked about it on her show. What are you waiting for? Get rid of all that unwanted weight fast and foul toxins for good and add years to your life!!

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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

10 Tips to Burn More Calories Every Day
By Robert Britt Platinum Quality Author

Some of these you will read and say, "I've heard this before" but you still don't do them, and others may be a first for you. Either way if you actually put these into practice, I guarantee you will lose weight over time, Or I'll give you double your money back.

1. Park at the far side of the lot when you go to the store. OK you've heard this one before, but do you actually do it? I see people all the time driving in circles looking to get that space up front, looking for the backup lights to light up. C'mon. I've even seen this in the parking lot at the gym where people are possibly going to do cardio. Is that extra hundred feet of walking going to kill you?

2. Stand up straight! Really. When you were growing up, I know you probably heard your mother say, sit up, don't slouch. The truth is that if you are standing or sitting up straight you are holding muscles tight and strengthening your core at the same time.

3. Just stand up. Do you ever go to your child's (or grandchild, brother, sister, etc) sporting event? Instead of sitting on that chair you brought along, spend some time standing or even pacing the sideline keeping up with the action. It gets you more involved with the sport, plus you get some extra exercise

4. Find an accountability partner (or two) and let people know you are starting to go to the gym. This small action will make you think twice before hitting the snooze button, or taking that second brownie! Ask them to hold you accountable. A good friend will help you succeed.

5. Don't watch your kids play, join them. You don't have to run and scream like a banshee, although you can, but just pushing your child on the swing, or walking along with them as they play will burn calories.

6. Clean your house. Oops, did I really write that down. I don't know anyone who keeps up the way they should, but if you look at pushing a broom or vacuuming as a form of extra exercise, you are killing two birds with one stone. Don't forget to clean up the birds.

7. Wash your car. OK, I am totally guilty of not washing my car much, but think about the stretching, reaching and lifting that goes into a good wash. Don't forget to vacuum the interior as well.

8. Talk to your co-workers. It is easy to sit at your desk and shoot e-mails around, but getting out of that chair and talking your co-workers can be fun and productive.

9. Take the stairs. Even small chunks of real estate will help in your quest. Skip the escalator at the mall and take the stairs next time.

10. Sit on a ball. This is for the hard core, but is really great to make your core muscles work. Get that exercise ball that has been collecting dust in the basement and take it to work with you. Try substituting the ball for your chair just for 15 minutes twice a day and see if you can increase that over time.

The greatest journey begins with a single step. At least a few of these suggestions are do-able for everyone.

Robert Britt is married and a father of four. He is a published author and has a degree in Psychology from Albright College . Robert is a recognized expert in the field of personal finance, self-esteem and confidence building. He is the President of Prosperity Ventures, LLC, a company dedicated to the success of others. Robert spent 13 years in the military and 14 years in manufacturing prior to self-employment. Please contact Rob at and check out the blog at

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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