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Get Ripped Abs - With These Fat Blasting Workouts
What is the secret to how to get ripped abs fast? Why does it happen so easyily and naturally for some, yet an impossible dream for others? Are some people just born with the right physic or can anyone get the body they desire? There are great benefits to getting six pack abs,
* Self Confidence
* Admiration from Friends and Family
* Improved Posture and Co-ordination
There are two parts that will help you get ripped abs fast. The first is effective cardio routines that burns the fat from the top and the second part is building the muscles up from below the fat with effective 'get ripped abs' exercises. Forget all that low carb, low fat gimmicky crap. These are just made by the Billion Dollar food companies who's goal is NOT to get you slim in the fastest way possible.
Their Little Secret....
They would like to keep you the way you are, buying their pointless products over and over again.
You are about to discover fast and effective fat burning routines that will actually work. Your workouts also don't have to be boring and mundane. I will show you fun ways to keep your ripped abs workout fun and enjoyable.
Muscle Building Fat Blasting Workouts
Staircase Workouts
Staircase workouts are great because you can find stair's nearly everywhere. Most people avoid stairs which is why
1. They have flabby bodies
2. There will be no-one there to watch as you do your workouts.
By working your biggest muscle groups, this increases the fat burning response and metabolism of the entire body. Try mixing up changes in pace from sprints to walking. Also try single steps and double. After a short period you will really feel a burn and this kind of workout gives noticeable changes to the entire body.
Body Weight Workouts
Body Weight Workouts are fantastic because they can be done in the comfort of your own living room. These short workouts only take 15-20 minuets and are great when you don't have the time to go to the gym.
The aim is to have very short rest periods and you want to do a mixture of Press up variations, Squats, Lunges and floor ab exercises. When you get more advanced you can implement Handstand press ups, One hand press ups and One legged squats to increase the intensity.
Rope Skipping
Rope Skipping is one of the best toning and all over body workouts there are. Skipping can also be used as a warm up or cool down exercise in your other workouts. Skipping is used heavily by boxers and professional fighters for good reason. It is great for tightening and toning the body.
To get the most from your skipping workouts mix up your step from two legged to one, then back to two. There are many different variations that you can do, so get creative. Also you want to mix up the pace by doing 15-30 second sprints. Sprints have been proven to burn body fat much faster than long sustained cardio routines.
Burning the fat of the top of your stomach is only half the battle when you are looking to get ripped abs fast. You must also work on eating the right foods and also building the muscles up from below the fat. Unfortunately it is impossible to show the foods that are essential and every exercise in one article.
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Nathan is a Fitness and Nutrition Author helping people get the best information on the web. Visit
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All
And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!
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