Sunday, August 29, 2010

Update August 30 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Reasons For Weight Loss Training
By Peter Kemp

There are many people in US who are suffering from health problems due to over weight. That's because of unhealthy foods and no proper workouts. So most of the over weight people have decided to join in fat camps. These fat camps have a potential to change the life style of over weight people by treating them with workouts and balanced meal. When you are at these camps they give you hard exercises and dieting chart. There are some people who just try dieting for losing weight but dieting is not a successful way for reducing weight. Well dieting definitely help in improving your eating habits and this is one of the ways to stay fit and healthy. Dieting is an effective method of eating healthy foods but this doesn't effect in losing weight.

These camps are less expensive and are very helpful for weight reduction training. They mainly teach you healthy eating habits and workouts. The workouts over here are kind of military style which makes a person fit. There are many reasons that fat camps help you in reducing weight. But the two main reasons for weight reduction are fitness and nutrition.

Reasons for weight reduction:

Fitness program: Fitness plays an important part in everyone's life. If you want to stay longer than you need to stay fit. These have a regimen which should be followed in terms of losing weight. These programs are conducted by professional trainer who mainly trains you in burning your calories. These programs organize different kind of activities like kayaking, aerobics, swimming, horse riding, mountain hiking, outdoor sports activities like football and volley ball and many more. This fitness training will push your body to burn the excess fats from the body. You may feel the workouts are hard but these kinds of exercises are necessary for burning your calories. There are many camps which repeat same kind of exercise everyday which can bore people but the fat camps gives you different exercises each day which can either be indoors or outdoors exercises.

Nutrition and dietitian: Nutrition and dietitian are like two ends where one cannot be separated from other. Nutrition foods play a big role where you learn to eat nutrition food for staying healthy. These camps have a dietitian who knows all the nutrition value of foods and will serve meals according to value of food. They also teach you to prepare food with additional nutritional value items. Generally all the camps prepare meals with nutrition value because it will give energy and strength for workouts. The dietitian here will include plans like diet counseling and plans, weight maintenance and control plans, plans for each meal, seminars on healthy and balanced living according to people way for living.

Being an expertise in writing articles, Peter Kemp has contributed articles related to fat camps, weight loss camps. For further information on fitness programs like weight loss retreats, fit camp, visit us at

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Military Fat Burning Tips
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Update August 17 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Blast Fat With Bodyweight Circuits

By John Grube

More and more people want or need to burn fat and most will give up after getting little or no results. The reason they don't get the results is because they are not doing the right exercises that will burn fat and build muscle all at the same time.
Most people go to the gym and when they get there they train using cardio equipment ( treadmill, stationary bike, etc. ) then they move on to weight training, and they spend up to 1 hour or more in the gym, and after a month or so, they are not getting the results they want they stop exercising all together.
The best way to exercise and get results is to stay home and to exercise using a bodyweight circuit, with little or no rest at all for five to fifteen minutes a day.
Most people think jogging will answer all their fat loss problems and the fact is that even if you jog you still need to do some kind of strength training to burn fat and this will take more time.
When you exercise using bodyweight circuits you will be working "cardio" building muscle and burning fat at a very rapid pace.
Bodyweight circuits are the answer for building muscle, flexibility, and fat burning they always have and always will, after all this is how the military gets men and women in shape and ready for battle in record time.
Just to show the benefits of a bodyweight circuit try this sample circuit:
10 pushups-
10 bodyweight squats-
10 jumping jacks-
10 situps
There is no rest in between exercises, move from one exercise to the other, when you get to the bottom start over and go through the circuit again.
The circuit should be done as fast as possible for five to fifteen minutes.
John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He also has 25+ years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual. For more info

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Update August 04 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Fat Blasting and Muscle Building Workouts For Effective Fat Loss
By Oluseyi Sogaolu Platinum Quality Author

If you actually adopt a true fitness lifestyle, you will achieve the body you always wanted within a short while. To be successful in your weight-loss program therefore, you must see workouts as interesting, fun and above all, make fitness a priority.

There are so many fun training out there that will never get you bored with your workouts or to give up on that lean ripped body you've been looking for. Highlighted below are some of the non traditional training techniques that will make you burn that stubborn fat and build muscle fast.

# 1:
Staircase Workout: - This is the type of workout that could be done in any place that has stairs including stadium stairs, hotel stairs or your home stair. It is a great one if done with enough intensity. If done very well, it is capable of creating changes all over your entire body due to muscle building and fat burning hormonal responses and metabolism increase that you get by engaging the biggest muscle groups of your entire body.

# 2:
Ring Training: - This type of training uses portable gymnastic rings that you can take anywhere you go. All you need do is to throw the straps up over any high bar like a pull up bar, top of a power rack or even over a football field goal crossbar. Adjust the rings for exercises like ring dips, ring push ups and pull ups hanging leg raises, horizontal body rows, L-sits and many more. The ring allows your joints to move in a more natural pattern and help you prevent and recover from shoulder injuries.

# 3:
Mountain Biking: - This is a variable intensity exercise that works with bursts exertion, followed by recovery intervals. A good example of this exercise is mountain climbing, where you get the leg pumping exertion during the uphill climbs while getting the adrenaline rush of the downhill, acting as your recovery interval at the same time. It ensures super fun, high intensity, leg burning workout that will melt fat off your entire body and build awesome legs.

# 4:
Bodyweight Workout: - This exercise will make you get a high intensity workout done in 15-30 minutes without having to go to the gym, particularly on those days that time will not permit. You can alternate bodyweight squats, pushups variations, lunges and floor abs exercises continuously for 15-30 minutes. At this point you may decide to take a short rest to amp up the intensity. Incorporate more challenging exercises like handstand pushups and one-legged squats into your routine as you advance.

Sandbag Training: - this is an intense method that gets you huffing and pumping like crazy. Make your sandbags to train by filling various sized duffle bags with sand. Sand bag exercises can be done as squats, cleans, presses, lunges, shouldering, throws or heaves, carrying up hills and many more.

Indoor or Outdoor Rock Climbing: - This is a great workout for legs, arms, shoulders and the entire back. It challenges you physically and mentally.

Rope Climbing: - This is type of exercise that builds a powerful and ripped upper body like other exercises. A great way to incorporate rope climbing into intense workout is to do climb up and then lower yourself back down. Keep alternating the upper body exercises at intervals for an effective body workout.

Jumping Exercise: -
This is an exercise that will work your leg muscles out in an entirely different way. It is very powerful in nature and some examples of this exercise are squats jumps, box jumps, huge jump and broad jumps.

Kettlebell Training: - This type of training is alternative type of free weight training to barbells and dumbbells. It used for training core athletes, military personnel and other tough individuals. If you are looking to get stronger with lean muscle, this exercise is good for you.

Rope Skipping: - This is a very good warm up exercise for your weight training. You can make use of cheap speed ropes with a plastic instead of the fabric type. This is because you can jump faster easily with the plastic ropes than the fabric ones. Try the mixture of two legged jumps, one legged jumps, arm crossovers and double jumps to increase your intensity.

In conclusion, to lose body weight is not what you can achieve overnight. For this reason, maintain your weight loss training no matter the situation. Do not get bored or terminate your training prematurely with the same old weight. All you require is to have open mind to the huge world of various training styles and techniques and embrace those trainings that will never get you bored. Practice some of the exercises highlighted above for a positive change.

I am a proficient writer who is competent, enthusiastic, honest, achieved, extremely gifted, highly efficient and sincere. I will be giving you tips on how to lose abdominal fat easily and fast too. All truth you need to know about abs will be revealed to you. However, I believe you will find the above tips useful. There are still more to come. Meanwhile you can learn more by visiting for more information.

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Military Fat Burning Tips
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Update July 24 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Barbell Military Press Exercise

By John Gibb Platinum Quality Author

The barbell military press is a great exercise for working the deltoids. This exercise can be extremely difficult for the new lifter. Back injury can easily occur if the proper form is not used during execution. Because of this, it is recommended that a spotter be present when doing this exercise.

During this exercise, you'll be lifting over your head. Keep this in your mind as you select the amount of weight you'll be working with. This exercise can be performed either sitting or standing. If you are lifting alone, you may want perform the exercise sitting so that you can lift the weight off of a bench rack.

To begin the exercise you'll need to have someone hand you the weight, lift it off the ground, or de-rack it from a rack. Your hands should be positioned a little further then shoulder length apart. Your hands should be about the same distance, as if you were going to do a normal bench-press.

The barbell should be positioned across the front of your chest with the bar about even with your shoulders. From here, keeping your back straight, lengthen the arms up over your head. Continue this extension until your arms can not extend anymore without locking. From the top position, lower the bar back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

John Gibb manages [] The site dedicated to weight lifting.

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Military Fat Burning Tips
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And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Update July 12 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Blast Fat With Bodyweight Circuits
By John Grube Platinum Quality Author

More and more people want or need to burn fat and most will give up after getting little or no results. The reason they don't get the results is because they are not doing the right exercises that will burn fat and build muscle all at the same time.

Most people go to the gym and when they get there they train using cardio equipment (treadmill, stationary bike, etc. ) then they move on to weight training, and they spend up to 1 hour or more in the gym, and after a month or so, they are not getting the results they want they stop exercising all together.

The best way to exercise and get results is to stay home and to exercise using a bodyweight circuit, with little or no rest at all for five to fifteen minutes a day.

Most people think jogging will answer all their fat loss problems and the fact is that even if you jog you still need to do some kind of strength training to burn fat and this will take more time.

When you exercise using bodyweight circuits you will be working "cardio" building muscle and burning fat at a very rapid pace.

Bodyweight circuits are the answer for building muscle, flexibility, and fat burning they always have and always will, after all this is how the military gets men and women in shape and ready for battle in record time.

Just to show the benefits of a bodyweight circuit try this sample circuit:

10 pushups-

10 bodyweight squats-

10 jumping jacks-

10 situps

There is no rest in between exercises, move from one exercise to the other, when you get to the bottom start over and go through the circuit again.

The circuit should be done as fast as possible for five to fifteen minutes.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He also has 25+ years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual. For more info

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update June 29 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Fat Blasting and Muscle Building Workouts For Effective Fat Loss

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Update June 17 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Get Ripped Abs - With These Fat Blasting Workouts

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Update June 01 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Boot Camp Versus Dancing For Weight Loss
By Dan Clay

Two forms of weight loss programs have gained considerable popularity in recent years: boot camp fitness programs and dance based exercises. The fitness camps are based on military style training under the supervision of a trained instructor. They are now established as being effective as well as cost efficient. However, many people who have inclination towards dancing tend to go for dancing classes that aim to reduce weight. These classes provide them both fun and exercise at the same time.

Both these forms of exercising involve a trainer who provides leadership and training. He or she often acts as a personal counselor and keeps you motivated to exercise or dance regularly. Both the fitness boot camp and the dance class help you push harder than you would normally do on your own. Further, you move your body in ways that are not normal for you, which keeps your body and mind stimulated.

The fitness camp workouts combine different fitness elements that exercise your whole body. Normally you use your own body weight and carry out numerous army style cardio drills - all in one workout. The group dynamics of the boot camps is such that people not only compete, but they also support one another.

Although a fitness boot camp is never as tough as the original military version, but you should always expect it to be quite intense. A well-designed program provides you effective body weight exercises that help you shape your entire body and burn excess fat simultaneously. The workouts incorporate elements of endurance and strength and are done quick enough to provide cardiovascular conditioning.

People, who are not very receptive towards workouts, often find dance classes as an acceptable alternative. Their interest is further kindled by popular TV shows such as "Dancing With the Stars" or "So You Think You Can Dance", etc. Needless to say dancing can be fun, exciting, and highly invigorating. Just like a fitness boot camp, a dance fitness class also gives you a feeling of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Dancing is definitely a very good form of exercise - the best part is that you actually enjoy doing it. If you are trying to lose weight, you will choose some really rigorous style; for example, a fast paced jazz that will burn more calories compared to, say a ballet that involves slow and graceful movements. It will tone and tighten most major muscle groups of the body.

You will certainly be able to burn extra calories through dancing sessions. If you are not excessively overweight and if your calorie intake is less than what you are burning, you will sure lose fat. But no matter how strenuous the dancing is it can't match the intensity of workouts of a boot camp.

When it comes to burning fat (and of course losing weight) the fitness camp exercises are far more effective compared to dancing as a way of burning fat. The reason is not difficult to see. By nature, dance classes are meant to be fun and weight loss is merely a by-product of the dancing activity. Much too soon, you get used to the different movements and your body does not feel challenged any more as it used to in the beginning - and you are already at a weight loss plateau.

On the other hand, a fitness boot camp is specifically designed to promote weight loss and the care is taken that you exert yourself enough and consistently to get the desired result. As the camp advances, the rigor of the workouts progressively increases; hence you are constantly being pushed to work harder. So it is better to lose weight efficiently in a fitness camp and pick up a dance class later to keep the weight off.

Dan Clay is a weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit

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Military Fat Burning Tips
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Update May 07 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Boot Camp Programs - What Benefits Can They Bring to You?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update April 08 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Build Muscle, Lose Fat With a Boot Camp Workout
By Dennis Francis Platinum Quality Author

Every year individuals look frantically for ways to get ripped, trim and fit. Sometimes the answer is not as challenging as they expected. For a long time now, millions of ordinary and unfit people have joined the armed services and set off to boot camp. The experience forces them into great shape in no time flat.

Many people who have signed up to enroll in the military and attended boot camp are amazed that a first-class boot camp workout is an extremely practical technique to shed weight, get healthy and robust very promptly.

A high-quality boot camp workout might blast every muscle in your body and reduce your belly fat extremely quickly than anything else presented out on the fitness circuit. I stripped of thirty pounds from getting my butt kicked at boot camp and discovered it is absolutely an exceptionally proficient approach of getting lean. If you are searching all over the place for a way to reduce unwanted weight without delay and you need to get firm fast, make an effort to check out these boot camp exercises in the privacy of your own home to see for yourself how challenging they could in fact be.

The recommended stretching routines that are practiced can dramatically shrink the possibility of harm for your muscle groups, tendons, and joints. They work to reduce stress, pressure and pain to muscular tissues. Boot camp workouts are doing admirably in getting rid of a lot of extra flab as well as getting rid of those manly spare tire waistlines carried around by men.

In case you are too chicken of make it to the fitness center and blast out some free weights, universal machines, or some kind of the other expensive apparatus they carry, you are going to be pleased to hear that you don't need them. The military has validated year after year that boot camp workouts are the fastest most dependable system used for getting a massive amount of people into shape each year.

I've used assorted strategies of exercise and diet to burn off mass all through the last twenty five or more years and I be able to let you know that my 13 weeks on training shed weight more rapidly than most other systems I ever tried. The nearest idea I did to lifting weights was pull ups almost certainly the best bodyweight workout plans that can be finished for arms and back.

The very best skill to using up body fat rapidly is with the use of training to get your metabolism revved up so that post additional oxygen restoration takes more time. This easily ensures that the body is using a lot of oxygen to get over the exercises. Remember that oxygen burns calories. High calorie consumption means an increased metabolism in addition a lot more unwanted weight burned off.

Without the need for a lot of workout gear or a fitness coach, it is very simple to sneak in a quick twenty to thirty minute workout at your home or apartment. For anybody who's a stay-at- home mom or just house bound, you can quickly insert a workout and be done while the children are snoozing or while attending school. It is simple to add a small number of pieces of workout equipment at minimal expense like a stability ball, pull up bar, or jump rope to include some diversity and challenge for more than just bodyweight exercises.

An extra bonus exercise to incorporate is jumping rope. It may well seem painless but from the moment you need to do 200 - 300 jumps for 60 seconds, followed by a set of burpees, then finish off with jumping jacks; you can be entirely out of breath. This can doubtless be one of the simplest boot camp workout programs around when done at the end of the circuit. Try boot camp workout to get fit and trim.

The best way to lose fat and get fit is to get your body moving and your metabolism up. Get fit and stay strong with free fat burning workouts by going to Lose weight fast and easy gain more strength and endurance with an endurance workout if you follow these simple rules.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update Mar. 23 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Treadmill Exercise Program - Forty Five Minute Fat Blaster With an Added Plus

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Update Mar. 10 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

3 Super Fat Blasting Tips For a Healthier You
By Rheanna Stoltz

Although exercise is extremely important when it comes to losing weight, if you want to lose a lot of fat, and maintain your new found, lean body for life, diet is what will get you there, and keep you there.

Here are some great tips to eat healthier and lose weight each day:

1. Eat fats! Ok, by fat I mean healthy fats. It is important for you to have these "healthy fats" in as many meals as possible. These will in fact help burn excess fat, as long as you have enough of these good fats. They're also great for making sure you don't go hungry throughout the day.

So what are healthy fats? Avocados (these help absorb the goodness of vegetables), Nuts (Raw, not roasted or salted), Seeds (like Flax, Sunflower, Pumpkin, Sesame etc), Egg Yolks (these are full of important nutrients, especially fat-soluble vitamins), oils (extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, flax seed oil) and grass fed meat (these are rich in antioxidants and do not contain traces of added hormones, and will help your body to burn fat and build muscle).

If you like to snack during the day, why not try eating some nuts instead; this will usually fill you up, as well as giving you the healthy fats that your body needs.

2. Ensure you eat protein with each meal (this includes snacks). Make sure it is high quality proteins, like from grass fed meats or dairy, or from raw nuts and seeds. Beans are also a great source of protein, and helps suppress your appetite.

Protein also helps to build lean muscles (as long as you're working out regularly). The leaner muscles in turn mean that you have a higher metabolism. Protein slows the breakdown of carbohydrates that you've eaten, meaning that it will help to stabilise your blood sugar levels.

3. Eat good carbohydrates. Over eating processed carbohydrates (such as refined grain and refined sugars) regularly will hinder your weight loss. The sugar from fruit is good because it is not refined, and also has fibre, to help slow the blood sugar absorption. Although fruits are good, don't be too tempted by fruit juices, as they are often packed with refined sugar.

Try to lower your intake of cereals, breads and pastas, and rely more on fruits and vegetables for your carbohydrates.

These 3 powerful yet simple steps, will get you on the road to a healthier, leaner, more energetic you.

Find out more tips on losing weight and toning your body.

Find out more tips about losing weight and keeping fit and healthy. As well as great tips, you can also find out how you can get a six pack of abs without having to do 1,000 crunches!

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Update Feb. 24 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

The Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone is Not a Myth
By FJ Sanchez

I have been reading some articles and opinions of different people all over the web about how your heart rate (HR) and fat burning are not related. They like to call it a myth.

Since I am a firm believer that your fat burning heart rate zone is a very important tool for all those people out there who want to shed fat and stay in shape, I must tell you my point of view.

People who discourage its use as a fat burning tool have the following argument: you can burn more calories if you workout at a faster pace and get your heart rate to 80 to 90%.

Let's break it down. The heart rate zone to burn fat is 60 to 70% of your max HR. This is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Here is an example based on my own age.

Fat burning HR zone 186*60%= 111


I always stay within these limits when I am training to shed fat. When working at this pace you burn about 12 calories per minute and 40% of those are from stored fat. So for every 45 minutes you are burning 540 calories.

When working out at a faster pace and your HR is 80 to 90% you will burn about 16 to 17 calories per minute. Definitely more than 12 calories at a slower pace but you will never be able to sustain that pace for more than a few minutes at a time. This pace and efforts are used in interval and strengths trainings.

Fat burning HR zone is hitting the treadmill for 45 minutes; strength training is 4 sets of 12 repetition of military press. I have been around gyms for 20 years and never have I seen anybody able to bench press for 45 minutes.

Since it is not possible for humans to sustain that level of effort for an extended period of time you will not be able to benefit from burning more calories when your HR is higher that 70% of its max.

So tell all those people who say that fat burning heart rate zone is a myth that when you are able to bench press or do biceps curls for 45 minutes you will start burning your fat at 80-90% of your heart rate, meanwhile hit the treadmill and start losing pounds today.

FJ Sanchez

Stay Healthy!

Come check my blog! I look forward to your comments.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Update Feb. 11 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Jeff Anderson Combat the Fat Ebook
By Andrian Wurich

Most of the people are scared of fats on their body. They follow different ways like going to body fitness centers, daily workouts, long walking, and joggings and avoid eating foods with extra calorie, fats and proteins. But they find following these ways of fat burnings are coming to nuts and their fats keep on increasing. The best solution such people can get in burning their fats are trying military way of training through which the soldiers are made to look bodily fit and in good shape . Jeff Anderson was an ex-soldier and military body fitness trainer. He has come out with combat the fat set of 3-e-books with body training programs by which the health a conscious person can reduce his extra body fat. These combat the fat e-books programs tries to make the person as fit as the combat ready soldier.

According to his combat the fat programs, the person's muscle is fat burning machine and by understanding this fact and training body in a right manner the excess fat can be burned. By avoiding food rich with fats, calories and proteins, the person cannot hope to reduce the fat because the body goes into starved mode and stops burning fat. If the person tries similar workouts like the soldier in the military then it helps to reduce fat in the body. The person should never try to go for dieting as the body needs the right balance of the food to burn extra fat.

The combat the fat is eBooks and can easily be downloaded. That training program in combat the fat has benefitted millions of people who have tried them to reduce their fats. The success rates are cent percent as these are the same training tactics which are followed by the soldiers in the military.

Combat The Fat Uncovers The US Military's Top Secrets For How To Transform YOUR Body Into A "Fat Burning Machine" In The Shortest Time Possible!

Get My Advance Six Pack Abs Bonuses! Click Here to visit the site =>

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Update Jan. 29 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Why Don't You Try the Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss?