Monday, December 21, 2009

Update Dec. 21 - 2009 Pro's and Con's " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Blast Fat With Bodyweight Circuits
By John Grube Platinum Quality Author

More and more people want or need to burn fat and most will give up
after getting little or no results. The reason they don't get the results is
because they are not doing the right exercises that will burn fat and
build muscle all at the same time.

Most people go to the gym and when they get there they train using
cardio equipment ( treadmill, stationary bike, etc. ) then they move
on to weight training, and they spend up to 1 hour or more in the gym,
and after a month or so, they are not getting the results they want they
stop exercising all together.

The best way to exercise and get results is to stay home and to exercise
using a bodyweight circuit, with little or no rest at all for five to fifteen
minutes a day.

Most people think jogging will answer all their fat loss problems and the
fact is that even if you jog you still need to do some kind of strength
training to burn fat and this will take more time.

When you exercise using bodyweight circuits you will be working "cardio"
building muscle and burning fat at a very rapid pace.

Bodyweight circuits are the answer for building muscle, flexibility, and
fat burning they always have and always will, after all this is how the
military gets men and women in shape and ready for battle in record

Just to show the benefits of a bodyweight circuit try this sample circuit:

10 pushups-

10 bodyweight squats-

10 jumping jacks-

10 situps

There is no rest in between exercises, move from one exercise to the other,
when you get to the bottom start over and go through the circuit again.

The circuit should be done as fast as possible for five to fifteen minutes.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He also has 25+ years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual. For more info

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Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Ectomorph Workout - 3 Ways to Blast Through Your Genetics and Gain Muscle

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Update Dec. 05 - 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

A Free Weight Loss Program - Is it True What They Claim to Be?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Update Nov. 23- 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

The Best Foods For Weight Loss - Top 10 Fat Blasting Super Foods Revealed

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Update Nov. 10 - 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

How To Lose Love Handles Fast

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Update Oct. 29 - 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!
Lose Weight Running? 4 Fat Blasting Tips to Slash Your Body Fat

Friday, October 16, 2009

Update Oct. 16 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recommended Reading
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

The Most Efficient Way to Burn Fat

By Steve R Robbins Platinum Quality Author

One of the more amazing sites to me is to be in a large gym and see rows and rows of treadmills, ellipticals and stationary bikes with people pounding away. I think it takes a very special type of person to do this day after day after day, all in the pursuit of a healthy lean body. Isn't a hamster running in a caged wheel the image that comes to mind here? It is for me. There are more efficient ways to burn calories.

We all know that interval training is the most efficient form of cardio to burn maximum fat. The idea of moving at a moderate pace for a couple minutes followed by a burst of activity for 30 seconds to a minute, and then back to the slower pace, and then repeating this for as many total minutes as you want. So in and of itself this removes some of the monotony of the "hamster" workout, plus it's better for fat burning. But again, the basic idea of this workout still lacks variety.

The Fun Fat Burning Workout: Leave the cardio equipment alone. Walk into the gym and find the five basic compound exercise machines. These would be:

Bench Press

Lat Pull Down

Leg Press

Military Press

Seated Row

What you do is a set on each machine (machines are better than free weights for this because they load faster). Each set is 2 minutes long with no rest between machines. The key is to do every other set as fast as you can move the weight. Obviously it will take some adjusting to know what weight amount to use. Once through is a little more than 10 minutes long with either 4 or 6 minutes done as hard as you can go. After the first time through all five machines you will find that your heart rate will be very elevated (great cardio effect), with every muscle in your body getting a part of the workout (muscle building/toning). After 3 times through everything you will have kept your heart rate elevated for over 30 minutes and blasted every muscle you have. You will have gotten the benefit of more than 30 minutes of fat burning cardio intervals combined with the extended metabolism boosting effects of weight training, which keeps burning fat for up to 24 hours after your workout. Beats being a "hamster" every day.

Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 50. Editor and regular contributor to

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Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

5 Tips On How To Ease Into Exercise...And Why!
By Donovan Baldwin Platinum Quality Author

When you feel tired and stressed from work or life in general, it's hard to be a good father, mother, son, daughter, and worker or to enjoy life at all. You want to do things with your loved ones and to take pleasure from each moment, but if your level of fitness is just not good enough.

Instead of living in this disappointing manner, adding even a little exercise to your life can help raise your level of fitness.

In fact, moderate exercise, maybe something as simple as a 30 minute walk several times a week can increase energy, burn fat, improve your mental outlook, lead to better problem solving and help you sleep better at night. Add to that, the improved perception you will have of yourself and life in general. In addition to obvious physical changes such as weight loss and vitality, there is an overall positive impact in your approach to and enjoyment of each day.

Many people make the mistake of trying to do too much exercise when they first get involved in a fitness program whether for physical health, weight loss, the psychological lift, or combinations of these. Start your exercise program at a level you can easily perform. Remember that whatever you are doing that you weren't doing before, as far as exercise and fitness are concerned, are new to your body, and your self-perception, and will take some getting used to.

That 30 minute walk mentioned above was begun as something as simple as a walk to the mailbox and back for some people. Some people began their exercise program with high hopes only to realize that their state of physical fitness was so bad that they could only walk a few feet from their home. However, with perseverance many have improved such poor states of fitness to the point that they could run marathons...eventually.

Don't force it. Let your body find the point where it is getting benefit. If you are in pain either during the exercise or after, back off a little bit. It took a lot of time to reach whatever state of fitness, or lack of it, that you are at, and a single blast of exercise will not change matters...only make them worse, probably.

To get you started with your exercise program whether for weight loss or just for fitness and health, here are a few tips.

1. Walking has to be not only one of the best exercises, but it is also one of the most natural and enjoyable. You can vary your speed to suit your particular level of fitness or to fit with your surroundings. You can walk your dog, walk with the kids, walk in the mall, walk through a serene park, or hike up a mountainside. Walking is one of the best ways to burn fat.

2. Experiment with yoga or tai-chi. Despite the pictures you are accustomed to seeing, these ancient exercise disciplines are actually easy to learn. It is not necessary to achieve the level of competence of the models seen in the pictures, but many of them started at the same level of fitness that you are at now. Yoga and tai-chi routines can be as long or as short as you wish, and once you learn a few basics, they can fit easily into spare moments of the day or be done as full-blown routines.

3. Play a sport. You don't have to butt heads in a football game, but even a little badminton or ping-pong can have very positive effects on health and fitness. Shooting basketball with the kids is a great way to be a parent and get in some exercise, while encouraging them to improve their fitness as well. Team sports not only can be great for exercise, but may even be a way to extend a personal network of friends or to bond with business acquaintances. For that one, just take a look at how much business gets done on the golf course these days. Don't forget! For the exercise benefit, leave the golf cart behind, walk the course, and carry your own clubs. This is good for weight loss and it is a fun way to burn fat.

4. Join scheduled exercise programs. You can sometimes find inexpensive or even free exercise programs offered in your community. Having your exercise scheduled and led by a professional may be just what you need. It may also give you more knowledge of your ability and needs. While you're at it, why not start your own exercise group. Get together with some friends and take a walk one day, bicycle on another, pop in a new aerobics video and try it out together. Another place to find sponsored exercise programs might be at work. More businesses are learning that fitness contributes to employee satisfaction and performance. Who knows? Maybe you can burn fat and fatten your paycheck at the same time!

5. Don't lie around the house. Play (or exercise) around the house. Did you know that a 150 lb person vacuuming for 15 minutes burns 79 calories? This is an average, of course, but that same person only burns 23 calories in 15 minutes while watching TV. Just for comparison, hang gliding and sky diving burn about the same number of calories as vacuuming. Makes you see the Hoover in a whole new light, doesn't it. By the way, playing with the kids is a great physical fitness program. Even moderate children's games such as hopscotch or jacks can burn 90 calories in 15 minutes! That's better than water volley ball or ping-pong. If you want to burn fat and get fit, chase some kids around! What a weight loss program.

As you can see, adding exercise to your life is not really all that difficult. Just by making a few simple adjustments to your activities and your attitude, you could easily burn from a few extra calories a day to a few HUNDRED extra calories a day.

Whether your goal is weight loss, fitness, health, family togetherness, to be there for your kids and grandkids, to burn fat, to cope with the stresses of the family and the workplace, or just to feel better and to feel better about yourself, start today. Start easy. Make it fun. Make it happen.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. He has written poetry and essays for his own use, and instructional media in many of the positions he held. After his retirement from the U. S. Army in 1995, he began writing articles on various subjects for websites he owned as well as for use by other webmasters. He has a keen interest in health, fitness, diet, and weight loss and has recently completed courses on Diet and Nutrition, and Fitness. He has posted a review on a great way to exercise and burn fat at

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Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Outstanding Cardio in Your Garage - 2 Great Cardio-Blasting Drills You Can Do Right in Your Garage!
By Brandon Richey Platinum Quality Author

Most of us stay so busy with family and work that we don't have the time or the motivation to pack a bag and drive to the gym. Well the good news is that to get into great shape you don't have to be. Allow yourself a minute to read and learn about how you can achieve amazing cardiovascular fitness by going no further than moving your car out of the garage and engaging in these cardio routines.

1. Military Style Jumping Jacks: That's right, I said jumping jacks! Now you may think you know how to do jumping jacks, but the only way I know is military style. The difference in this style of jumping jacks and everyone else's style is the count. To begin this great cardio blasting drill stand straight with your feet together and your hands by your side. From here jump to spread your feet wider than shoulder width while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Immediately return to the original position to start all over again for the next one. The key here though is that with the military style jumping jack you do at least 3 in a row before that can count as a single rep! My challenge to you to gain superior cardiovascular conditioning is to knock off 100 of these bad boys without stopping!

2. Jump Rope: The jumping rope cardio workout is another fabulous way to get a great workout and to develop hand/eye coordination at the same time. Its all about keeping the right pace. Feel free to include the jump rope into your cardio program along with the jumping jacks. The beauty is that both of these drills can be done independently, used as interval bouts, or can be involved in a total conditioning circuit! My challenge for you with the rope is to jump for 3 minutes nonstop, rest for a minute and do another 3 minutes! Be strict with your rest time and complete 3 rounds of 3 minute jumping intervals. If you want superior cardiovascular conditioning and to promote some serious weight-loss then these 2 drills are just for you!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update Oct. 04 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

4-Day Upper Body Blast - Men - Turn Heads As You Fill Out Your Shirt With Your Muscles

By Mark Bojovic

When I was training for bodybuilding, working out twice a day and six days a week was business as usual. Now that I'm a missionary in Africa and don't have all the time to commit to the weight room as I did before, I need to focus on what's important. There's no room for wasting time.

So what is important? I'm a married man who likes to look good in what he wears. Being on the endomorphic side of the spectrum, my lower body doesn't need to grow any more - it's got enough size. So that leaves me with the upper body. I'm not going to be walking around topless in public any time soon, so I don't need that chiseled chest or six-pack abs look, either. What I do need is to fill out my shirts and sweaters in all of the right places: chest, shoulders, arms, and upper back.

With that said, here is the workout that I've adapted to fit my busy lifestyle and yet still produce great results.

This is a four-day workout, focusing on one body-part per day, ending with a rest day. Each workout shouldn't last more than 15-20 minutes.

First, start with a warm-up of some kind of cardiovascular activity (jogging, jump rope, etc) for 5-10 minutes, per ACSM recommendations. Then you will perform 4-6 sets in order to flood your muscle with blood and really work it out.

Chest Day: Start with light weights on the bench press for 12-15 reps. Immediately follow this set with light weight dumbbell fly's for 12-15 reps. Add more weight to your second set. Add more weight to your third set. You should complete 4-6 sets in all, depending on how you feel or how hard you want to push it. After your first two sets of 12-15 reps, your rep target should be 6-10. Cool down with some stretches.

Biceps Day: Start with light weights on the barbell straight bar for some reverse curls for 12-15 reps. Immediately after each set you should lie on an incline bench and do regular palm-up curls with dumbbells. Increase your weight for a second set of reverse curls for 12-15 reps and incline bench dumbbell curls. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of regular palm-up curls, each set followed by incline bench dumbbell curls for 6-10 reps, too. Cool down with some stretching.

Triceps Day: Start by lying on your back and performing some triceps extensions with light weights for 12-15 reps (commonly known as "skullies"). Immediately follow this first set by kneeling on your bench and performing triceps kick-backs, where you extend the weight up behind you, with your back parallel to the floor. Add more weight for your second set of skullies and triceps kick-backs. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of heavier weights, completing a total of 4-6 sets. Cool down with some stretching.

Shoulder Day: Start with the seated or standing barbell shoulder press (i.e. military press) with light weights for 12-15 reps. Immediately follow this with slightly bent-over dumbbell lateral raises for 12-15 reps. Increase your weight for the second set for 12-15 reps. Your final sets should target 6-10 reps of heavier weights, completing a total of 4-6 sets. Cool down with some stretching.

The goal of each workout is to completely flood each muscle group with a lot of blood and tear down as much muscle fiber as you can (for greater future muscle repair and growth). This extreme focus on one muscle group at a time has helped me maintain the upper body musculature that I desire. I hope you motivate yourself enough to stick with this quick and simple workout of upper body super-sets (back-to-back differing exercises on the same muscle). Thank you!

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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Should You Use an Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss?
By Blake Allen Platinum Quality Author

The idea of getting weight off quickly is tempting for a lot of us. Especially during the warmer months, no one wants to carry around all those extra pounds. Waiting for them to disappear on conventional diets is boring and frustrating. However, are those quick-loss diets really healthy?

The fact is that any quick weight loss diet is probably not the best for your body, and most of that weight will come back. That's because when you lose more than a pound or so a week, most of the weight you're taking off is actually water weight and muscle mass. After a few days or a couple of weeks, you'll stop being dehydrated, and the weight will come back.

Even worse, when we lose muscle to dieting, it's often a lot harder to put back on. We're likely to get the pounds back as fat, rather than muscle, unless we're using a good exercise program. Using an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss for the purposes of staying healthy should focus on losing fat and keeping water and muscle.

Most quick weight loss diets are actually a form of crash diets. A crash diet is defined as one that deprives the dieter of nutrition in an extreme way. Most of these plans restrict calorie intake severely, and are only slightly different from ordinary starvation. Crash diets are unhealthy, and you'll never see one recommended by a reputable dietitian or doctor.

In fact, you probably won't get a recommendation for an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss. That's because the Army recommends being in top physical condition, and consulting with a dietitian for its soldiers who are over the regulation weights. Quick weight loss plans usually result in a yo-yo effect, causing the dieter to gain back the old weight, and often a few more pounds on top of it.

Even if you'd love to lose weight fast, don't be taken in by outrageous claims. There's no diet plan that'll help you lose weight quickly and stay healthy. Overly rapid weight loss can result in problems down the line, including heart problems in extreme cases, since the body will cannibalize that muscle, too.

For a healthier, fitter body that looks great, take weight loss slowly, and combine a sensible diet plan with a good exercise program. All you have to do is be willing to work at it, and be patient. Wacky diets are just that, no matter who endorses them. Choose a different plan over an army recruiter diet for quick weight loss, and you'll be more likely to keep the weight off once it's gone.

Shed 20 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks! Flush out nasty, disease causing toxins! Feel and look years younger. Oprah talked about it on her show. What are you waiting for? Get rid of all that unwanted weight fast and foul toxins for good and add years to your life!!

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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

10 Tips to Burn More Calories Every Day
By Robert Britt Platinum Quality Author

Some of these you will read and say, "I've heard this before" but you still don't do them, and others may be a first for you. Either way if you actually put these into practice, I guarantee you will lose weight over time, Or I'll give you double your money back.

1. Park at the far side of the lot when you go to the store. OK you've heard this one before, but do you actually do it? I see people all the time driving in circles looking to get that space up front, looking for the backup lights to light up. C'mon. I've even seen this in the parking lot at the gym where people are possibly going to do cardio. Is that extra hundred feet of walking going to kill you?

2. Stand up straight! Really. When you were growing up, I know you probably heard your mother say, sit up, don't slouch. The truth is that if you are standing or sitting up straight you are holding muscles tight and strengthening your core at the same time.

3. Just stand up. Do you ever go to your child's (or grandchild, brother, sister, etc) sporting event? Instead of sitting on that chair you brought along, spend some time standing or even pacing the sideline keeping up with the action. It gets you more involved with the sport, plus you get some extra exercise

4. Find an accountability partner (or two) and let people know you are starting to go to the gym. This small action will make you think twice before hitting the snooze button, or taking that second brownie! Ask them to hold you accountable. A good friend will help you succeed.

5. Don't watch your kids play, join them. You don't have to run and scream like a banshee, although you can, but just pushing your child on the swing, or walking along with them as they play will burn calories.

6. Clean your house. Oops, did I really write that down. I don't know anyone who keeps up the way they should, but if you look at pushing a broom or vacuuming as a form of extra exercise, you are killing two birds with one stone. Don't forget to clean up the birds.

7. Wash your car. OK, I am totally guilty of not washing my car much, but think about the stretching, reaching and lifting that goes into a good wash. Don't forget to vacuum the interior as well.

8. Talk to your co-workers. It is easy to sit at your desk and shoot e-mails around, but getting out of that chair and talking your co-workers can be fun and productive.

9. Take the stairs. Even small chunks of real estate will help in your quest. Skip the escalator at the mall and take the stairs next time.

10. Sit on a ball. This is for the hard core, but is really great to make your core muscles work. Get that exercise ball that has been collecting dust in the basement and take it to work with you. Try substituting the ball for your chair just for 15 minutes twice a day and see if you can increase that over time.

The greatest journey begins with a single step. At least a few of these suggestions are do-able for everyone.

Robert Britt is married and a father of four. He is a published author and has a degree in Psychology from Albright College . Robert is a recognized expert in the field of personal finance, self-esteem and confidence building. He is the President of Prosperity Ventures, LLC, a company dedicated to the success of others. Robert spent 13 years in the military and 14 years in manufacturing prior to self-employment. Please contact Rob at and check out the blog at

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Update Sept. 19 2009 Pro and Con " Military's Fat Blasting Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Military Fat Blasting is designed by combatthefat with the aims to provide weight loss dieter the types of fat-burning strategies and program used in the military. If you want to know how to lose weight, while building lean muscle and getting into the best shape of your life. It is the program for you, since we must believe the billions of research dollars behind the U.S. military's most powerful fat-burning strategies used to keep its soldiers lean, healthy & strong! We provide you with information and opinion of fat blasting Pro and Con of health experts. Please consult with your doctor before applying and purchasing the program, if you think this is the right program for you.

Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Fat Blasting Workout to Add in Your Stomach Weight Loss Exercises That Can Burn Fat For Hours
By Andrew Choong Platinum Quality Author

If you do not have a plan for your stomach weight loss exercises, and are not a fan of the gym, and do not want to carry those heavy weights, how about testing out your endurance in the form of cardio exercises? It can be from jogging to rowing to cycling and you can perform these workouts at any time of the day, as well as throw in some weight exercises if you have the time.

These fat burning workouts are considered as interval sprints which you can perform at least 3 days in a week. It will be up to you how you want to schedule your workout. You can do these workouts after your weights training or you can squeeze the days in between. But do remember to always warm-up for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you embark on these abdominal fats burning exercises. And also remember to cool down for about 5 to 10 minutes as well.

Workout A: Either Jog, Swim, Row or Cycle.

First, start dashing for 30 seconds and try to push yourself with at least 90 percent effort on your side. Then start slowing down to about 30 percent effort and run for about 90 seconds. This is repetitive and you can redo this workout between 6 to 8 times.

Workout B:

Using 80 percent of your best effort, try pushing yourself to start running for 60 seconds. Then slow down your pace and continue running for 60 seconds but at only 30 percent effort. Repeat this whole process between 4 o 6 times.

Workout C:

Just the same as above, this time you will run for around 90 seconds at a reduce effort of 70 percent. Then after you have done this, do not stop and continue running for around 180 seconds but at a reduce effort of 30 percent. This has the least repetition. Just do 2 to 4 times will be enough.

Do not wait and start doing these stomach weight loss exercises to lose body fat and getting that lean body you have always been working hard to achieve.

For you are seriously trying to slim your waistline and researching some stomach weight loss exercises, stop piling on the fats, get discipline, and enforce determination to achieve your goals today.

For a limited time period, get 2 free abs-killer reports at to start losing your abdominal fats.

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Recomemmeded Program
Military Fat Burning Tips
Guaranteed To Banish Ugly Belly Fat Once & For All

And Get You In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Get Rid of That Fat - 12 Fat-Blasting Foods That Burn Belly Fat
By Linda DiMarco

They're the foods that experts say can help your body increase lean muscle mass and avoid storing fat. You can base entire meals and snacks around these 12 foods, you don't have to.

Follow these simple guidelines:
• Incorporate two or three into each of your daily meals
• Make sure to eat a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal.
• Sneak a little bit of protein into each snack.

These foods Zap Abdominal Fat

Here are 12 best belly-flattening foods- plus some delicious recipe ideas to help you put them to use.

Superpowers: Builds muscle, fights off cravings
Just a handful of almonds provide 19% of your daily requirements of magnesium- a key muscle building component. Almonds also help curb cravings: two ounces of almonds should suppress your appetite- especially if you wash them down with 8 ounces of water. Avoid smoked and salted almonds, which are high in sodium.

Beans and Legumes
Superpowers: Build muscle, help burn fat, and regulate digestion
The more beans you eat, the more you'll control your hunger. Beans are a low-calorie food packed with protein, fiber, and iron- ingredients crucial for building muscle and losing weight. Swap a meat-heavy dish for a bean-heavy dish a couple of times per week; you will replace saturated fat with more fiber. Two of my favorite beans which should be skipped: refried beans, which are high in saturated fats, and baked beans which are high in sugar.

Green Veggies
Superpowers: Fortifies your nutrient stores, fights obesity
One serving of spinach is loaded with
folate and supplies nearly a full-day's worth of vitamin A and half of your vitamin C. Broccoli is high in fiber and more densely packed with vitamins and minerals than almost any other food.

Low-Fat Dairy
Superpowers: Builds bones, fires up weight loss
Dairy gets so much attention for one thing it does well, strengthening bones, that it gets little or no attention for its other accomplishments- like its breakout role as a vehicle for weight loss. Researchers think that calcium probably prevents weight gain by increasing the breakdown of body fat and hampering its formation,

Superpowers: Builds muscle, burns fat
More and more research shows that eating an egg a day will not raise your cholesterol levels. Egg protein is more effective at building muscle than milk and beef. Eggs also contain vitamin B12- a nutrient necessary for fat breakdown.

Lean Meats
Superpowers: Build muscle, boost immunity
A classic muscle-building nutrient, protein is the base of any solid diet plan. The body burns more calories digesting protein than it does to process carbohydrates or fat. Many studies support the notion that high-protein diets promote weight loss. Turkey, lean beef (especially rounds or loins), chicken, and fish are especially good choices. Tuna and salmon (and the grain flaxseed) also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may help keep metabolism revved.

Peanut Butter (All natural, Sugar-Free)
Superpowers; Builds muscle, burns fat
Peanut butter is a quick and versatile snack. Since a diet that includes an indulgence doesn't leave you feeling deprived, you're less likely to fall prey to other cravings. Use it on apples or on whole grain crackers, or to add flavor to smoothies.

Olive Oil
Superpower: controls cravings
Olive oil made of the good un-saturated fat- will help you eat less by controlling your food cravings. It will also help you burn fat and keep your cholesterol in check.

Whole Grain Foods
Superpowers: Prevents your body from storing fats
Your body needs carbs. The key is to eat ones that have been processed the least. Eat products with all the parts of the grain- whole grain bread and pasta, long-grain rice- you will get all the nutrition that refines foods lack. Top: don't be fooled by white-flour foods that are colored brown. Look for foods that list a "whole wheat: or "whole grain" flour first on the ingredients.

Whey Powder
Superpowers: builds muscle, burn fats
Powered whey protein packs a muscle-building wallop. If you add whey powder to your meal- in a smoothie, for instance- you may well have created the most powerful fat-burning meal possible. Whey protein is a high-quality protein that contains essential amino acids needed to build muscles and burn fat. It's especially effective because it has the highest amount of protein for the fewest number of calories, making it fat's kryptonite. Tip: Ricotta cheese is made from whey, making it a great source of whey protein.

Superpowers; improves balance and coordination, prevents cravings
Depending on your taste, any berry will do the trick. Raspberries carry powerful levels of antioxidants and flavonoids. One cup of raspberries packs 6 g of fiber and more than half of your daily requirement of vitamin C. blueberries are also loaded with the soluble fiber that, like oatmeal, keeps you feeling fuller longer. Strawberries contain pectin, a valuable form of fiber (also found in apples and grapefruit), which helps people feel fuller.

To get Women Business Favorite Recipe Picks - Go to: You'll Love these quick and easy meals. Many will take less than 15 minutes to make. Each recipe is stocked with the fat-blasting food, so you are sure to whittle away your waistline with each bite.

About the author
Linda DiMarco is Publisher at Women Business Magazine. Your Business- Savvy Beaches your monthly highlights of Business, Marketing, Recipes, Fashion, & Success" and discover helpful information, advice, products, and free offers that will put more dollars in your pocket and help secure your business and your future. Tell your story. We love to hear about women entrepreneur's and their stories. If we like your story we will feature in our magazine... Email: or go to web site and use the post a comment link-

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How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat? 5 Fat Blasting Tips!
By Cindy Ou Platinum Quality Author

Below are 6 fat burning tips on how to GET RID of lower belly fat!

1. Whether you are losing weight, getting rid of belly fat or losing inches off your waist - this is how to get rid of lower belly fat ==> Don't make drastic changes over night.

It's too difficult to give your present habits the flick. The best way to lose belly fat is to make simple healthy switches ... and just growing into it.

Healthy habits you should consider are reducing your calorie intake by using reduced fat products, cut the salt by making use of reduced salt options, increase the fiber in your diet by always choosing wholemeal and wholegrain options, add more veggies than listed in your recipe to fill up your plate and help hit the recommended 5 serves a day, add oat bran to casseroles and meat dishes for fiber boost, and finally give deep frying a miss, opt for a roast or stir fry instead.

Make it a point to include these changes on a periodical basis, and let it grow into you. Over time, this will become second nature and your health will feel the benefits of the small changes.

2. Avoid trigger foods and dining with big eaters. Avoid having your favorite foods in the house or going out with friends you know eat a lot or make you feel guilty if you don't polish off everything they cook for you. They only make you feel more stressed and more inclined to binge.

Avoid walking past your favorite bakery or stopping at a service station when you're feeling tired or stressed - it's too easy to buy a bag of lollies to eat on your way home!

3. Read this this is truly how to get rid of lower belly fat - CURB your cravings! To do that, you need to load up on good kinds of foods that consists of Fiber and whole-grains. Foods like veggies, fruits, fish, skinless chicken, lean meat, whole-meal bread are great ways to load up on nutrition. Remember, fiber keeps you full longer and help you get rid of stubborn belly fat!

4. Your workout program should always be evolving as long as you apply enough training stimulus (resistance) to boost muscle strength and growth. For continual results, increase the demand on the muscles by increasing the weight or the number of repetitions, performing more sets or reduce rest time between sets. By doing so, you are constantly stimulating the muscle a little differently - and burn more calories.

5. This is HOW NOT TO GET RID OF LOWER BELLY FAT ... Do not waste too much time on Sit Ups, Crunches and other Ab gimmicks. There's no point wasting hours and hundreds of reps to do them as these exercises do not get rid of lower belly fat efficiently. A combination of good nutrition, high intensity cardio training and challenging compound workouts are the most effective ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat fast!

If you really want to know HOW TO GET RID OF STUBBORN BELLY FAT ... Firstly, visit ==> And Download $97 of F-R-E-E Fat Slashing Reports And a 6 Day eCourse.

Secondly, with the F-R-E-E REPORTS, you WON'T starve, waste hours at the gym ever, or basically do anything that will take too much time away from you work or family.

Thirdly ... Just enjoy the F-R-E-E Reports And Discover HOW TO GET RID OF LOWER BELLY FAT FAST without changing much in your diet or exercise plans.

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